Home Simon Sofia

Sofia Simon was born in Budapest, Hungary. She is passionate about writing and painting. She is inspired and likes to write down her thoughts.

She feels that she still has a lot in her. She loves life, nature and animals. She likes to help people. That is why she studied to be a nurse. But she had to give it up because she realised that this profession is not about healing.

She also studied alternative medicine and Reiki healing with energy treatments. Her favourite activity is being alone and meditating. She also enjoys travelling and learning about other cultures and people.

She remembers her previous lives and has a connection with Atlantean abilities. She has a connection with higher vibrational energies and beings.

World peace and spiritual development are most important to her. Empowering feminine energies is her essence, she raised her child alone and she is a feminist. She can help with spiritual development, clearing blockages and memories.